

The Mississippi Branch of The International Dyslexia Association is a non-profit, scientific and educational organization for the multidisciplinary study and treatment of individuals with dyslexia and related disorders. Our mission is to support and encourage study and research into the nature of dyslexia and related disorders as well as all aspects of the acquisition and mastery of written language, including, but not limited to, reading, spelling and writing. We also promote the appropriate and early diagnosis and treatment of dyslexia and related disorders.

Further, we promote, encourage and support the preparation and continued education of professionals and other personnel to ameliorate the impact of dyslexia and related disorders and to promote optimal methods of reading instruction for all children. We also promote public awareness and understanding of dyslexia and related disorders, as well as, knowledge of factors important to learning to read and write, through responsible dissemination of research-based knowledge.



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